What benefits can coconut eye give you
It's also a great moisturizer for skin and hair. To learn more about theversatile substance, read this quickshoppingguide. We've also included our top product recommendations like this organic
extra virgin coconut oil by Viva Naturals. Uses ofcoconut oil Cooking: Coconut oil can be used for sautéing at high heats (up to
350°F) as well as for roasting. Some consumers also put a spoonful in their smoothies or coffee for its health benefits. Vegan
substitute: As a plant-based product, coconut oil can be used as a substitute for butter ifyou're on a vegan diet. It can be
spread on baked goods or used in bakingrecipes. Moisturizer: Rubbingcoconut oil into the hair, scalp, or skin is a natural way Because it is so natural, it's also safe to
moisturize babies' skin with it. It can also be used as a massage oil. Makeup remover:For a cheap, clean beauty alternative to
makeup removers, you can use coconut oil on a cotton swab to take offmakeup, especially around that delicate eye area.
Some beauty experts even use it as a facial cleanser. Oil pulling: This centuries-old folk practice removes stains on the teeth
and promotes dental hygiene bycleansingthe mouth of bacteria. Simplyswish a small amount ofcoconut oil in your mouth
for 15 to 20 minutes, and then spit it into the trash. Considerations when choosingcoconut oils Refined vs. unrefined:
Coconut oil comes in refined or unrefined varieties. Unrefined may also be labeled "virgin" or "extra virgin" and is coconut oil
in its most natural form. It has a more coconut-yflavor and odor to it. Refined coconut oil is bleached, resultingin a neutral oil
without flavor or smell, and some users prefer not to have a coconut-ytaste added to their cooking.Food grade vs.cosmetic
grade:Food-grade coconut oil has higher puritystandards than cosmeticgrade. In fact, we recommend usingit for cosmetic
purposes as well. Cosmetic-grade coconut oil should never be used for cooking; it may also contain unwanted perfumes and
ingredients that you wouldn't care to roast with. Quantity: Coconut oils can come in small 11-ounce tubs to large one-gallon
buckets. Generally, larger quantities cost less per ounce. Most coconut oils come in plastic or glass containers.Features
Organic: Whether for culinary or cosmetic purposes, manyconsumers ofcoconut oil select organic products that are free of
harmful agricultural chemicals. These are non-GMO as well. Spray: Spray bottles ofcoconut oil for cooking provide a healthy
alternative to nonstickcookingsprays. Butter flavor: Some coconut oils offer a nondairy butteryflavor. We recommend
meltingthis product over popcorn. Coconut oil prices Coconut oil costs as little as 15 cents per ounce up to $1 per ounce.
Refined coconut oil tends to cost less than unrefined.FAQ Q. How do Istore coconut oil? A. Store coconut oil at room
temperature in a dark, cool place. Ifyour home gets hotter than 76°F, the coconut oil will liquefy. If this happens, you can place
it in the fridge to solidifyit. Q. What are some of the health benefits ofcoconut oil? A. There are myriad purported health
benefits of ingestingcoconut oil. Some of the claims include aiding weight loss, anti-aging, improving brain function (especially
in Alzheimer's patients), combatingyeast infections, curbing hunger, and raising"good"cholesterol. Coconut oils we
recommend Best of the best: Viva Labs Finest Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Our take: An unrefined coconut oil that stands
out for taste and purity. What we like: Organic and cold-pressed. Smooth texture. Can be used for cooking and skin/hair care.
Coconuts sustainably harvested. What we dislike: Pricey. Best bangfor your buck: Carrington Farms Organic Extra Virgin
Coconut Oil Our take: The best bargain for an organic, unrefined coconut oil. What we like: Cold-pressed and extra virgin.
Qualitytop-rated coconut oil with multipurpose uses. BPA-free packaging. What we dislike: Because it's unrefined, it retains a
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