Know some important results of green tea

Today I am telling you about the green tea which is important in your life.

Green tea (English: Green tea) is a type of tea made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis.  Oxidation is minimal in its forming process.  It originated in China and was later related to many cultures of Middle-East from Japan in Asia.  There are many benefits of its intake. [1] At least eight cups of green tea per day are helpful in reducing cholesterol, reducing cholesterol as well as controlling body weight.  Often people know about green tea but due to not taking it properly, they do not get their full benefits.

The flavor of green tea is refreshing and light and the taste is different from normal tea.  Some of its varieties have a mild sweetness, which can be made with milk and sugar as per your liking. [2] To make green tea, a cup of tea requires 2–4 grams of tea.  After boiling the water completely, leave it for 2-3 minutes.  Add warm water to the tea placed in the cup and leave it for three minutes.  It is consumed for a while and cools down.  According to different brands, two to three cups of green tea a day are beneficial.  This means that 300,400mg of green tea a day is sufficient.  So far, only one loss of green tea has been known, insomnia ie sleep apnea. [2] The reason is the caffeine present in the tea.  However, it contains less caffeine than coffee.

Regular intake of it by an adult person does not only relieve many diseases, but also increases the body's resistance to many diseases.  Green tea acts as an anti-aging as well as anti-oxidant.  Regular consumption of green tea proves to be very beneficial for those who are unable to do regular exercise due to over busyness.  Milk should not be added to it as it reduces its anti-oxidant content. [1] This tea is also helpful in controlling cholesterol.  Its use also increases metabolism rate or fat oxidation in the body.  With this, brain tissue can be prevented from dying.  Green tea should be steamed.

Regular intake of green tea not only controls weight, but also reduces the possibility of many diseases.  A fatal disease like cancer can also be avoided by its use.  In Japan, people usually consume green tea even during meals, which helps in digesting food and also helps with heart disease.
According to studies, green tea is also beneficial for teeth.  It also protects against bacteria, viruses and throat infections.  Green tea contains polyphenols, which protect the teeth from cavity.  In addition, green tea protects against cancer, bladder, colon, esophageal, pancreas, rectum and stomach cancer.  Elements present in it allow such cells to flourish little or little.  This also reduces the problem of blood clotting, due to its anti-inflammatory, it has the ability to reduce pain.  Some anti-oxidants present in it also reduce the risk of arthritis.  Green tea protects the liver in two ways.  First, it protects the liver cells and secondly makes the resistance system strong.  It gives iron, calcium and magnesium to the body during pregnancy. [3] Caffeine should not be drunk while sleeping at night and feeling hungry.  Drinking at night increases hunger and causes problems in sleep.  While green tea can also be drunk at night, because it contains only a small amount of caffeine.

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