Dates is very important in Islam
Mohammad Mustafa Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihi said that date palm is a Muslim tree and date palm is a fruit of heaven. Even in Islam, it is said that dates of eating dates and celery will be protected from witchcraft.
Size Prophet Karim always used with dates
Our Guru Karim Sallallaho Taala Vasallam always advised people to open Roza, if there is no date, then open Roza with water
Cholesterol levels are also reduced by consuming dates, which is not a risk of heart diseases. Iron is found in dates, which relieves blood related diseases. Apart from this, there is a lot of potassium in dates, the same amount of sodium is low, it is beneficial for nervous system.
Soak dates in water at night, and filter them first in the morning and then drink. This process is also known as Nabiz, Prophet Muhammad 'S favorite drink was.
Boil the dates and add fenugreek seeds to it. Eating it relieves backache. Apart from this, mixing sugar candy in dates and taking it with hot milk cures cold and cough.
Dates are classified as laxative food. A lot of soluble fibers are found in it, which keeps the digestive system healthy. This is the reason why people suffering from constipation are advised to take dates. To take full advantage of date, keep it soaked with water overnight and consume it with water in the morning. Your stomach will be clean.
Dates on an empty stomach help you to prevent obesity because dates are cholesterol free, but it is very important to understand that you do not have diabetes because sugar is found in large amounts in dates.
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