Benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate Benefits and Side effects 

Molecules present in pomegranate seeds reduce the effect of increasing age and maintain youth.  It is a good source of juice fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.

According to research, pomegranate juice increases the amount of hormone 'testosteron' which arouses sexual desire in the body.  After consuming pomegranate juice only for 15 days, you can see its effect in your sex power.  Researchers have claimed that drinking pomegranate juice daily increases the amount of sex by 16 to 30 percent.  The research was conducted on 58 people in the age group of 21–64.  It included both men and women.
Digestion is good and constipation is eliminated.

Consuming pomegranate not only promotes memory but at the same time it also has the ability to defeat brain related disorders like Alzheimer's (amnesia).  A research conducted in 2013 found that pomegranate improves brain function and also fixes age-related brain problems.

 Pomegranate tree roots, leaves, peels, seeds etc. are all used for medicinal purposes.  It improves digestive power, increases semen formation,
 It also contains other nutrients like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folate, manganese, selenium, zinc.

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