In the Quran, about the word Halal and the word Haram
Come, today we will tell you what is haram and what is halal and how to eat interest in Islam and we will teach some masalas and what these things mean and what is sinful, we will also tell you what our mentor Kari Muhammad Mustafa has told us Today we will tell you about this topic
In the Quran, the word halal is used in contrast to haram (forbidden). Extended to the classification of Islamic jurisprudence known as the "Five Ahkam" ("Five Judgments"): Farz (compulsory), Mustahab (recommended), Mubah (neutral), Makrooh (blasphemous) and Haram
The most common example of Haram (non-halal) food is pork (pork product). While pork is the only meat that cannot be consumed by Muslims (Quran forbids it, Sura 2: 173 and 16: 115 other foods which are not in a state of purity are also haraam. Non- Criteria for pork items include their source, the cause of the animal's death and how it was processed. It also depends on the Muslim's religion.
It is the opinion among common Muslims that every Muslim should sit 'urine' as Muhammad saheb used to do. If you are a Muslim and go out in the open with some other Muslim and will stand and urinate, then he will definitely interrupt you once. Even people fight among themselves over this matter. And parents treat their 'boys' very harshly if they know that their son is standing and urinating. Now there are many 'hadiths' about 'Muhammed Sahab' urinating.
The Holy Quran clearly considers interest to be forbidden. In it, it has been said for humans - Believers, do not eat interest by doubling it twice and four times. You fear Allah.
Eating interest ends barkat. Significantly, before the divine message of Muhammad, the practice of interest was prevalent among Arab residents on a large scale. The rich were benefited from it, but the poor could not escape its ruthless beating. Muhammad himself had lived in poverty and had seen many people suffering from this practice.
In the light of the Quran, it has now become clear that Islam is not an advocate of plurality but talks about special circumstances. It is our ignorance that we say that in Islam, more than one marriage is considered right. Of course, more than one marriage is not banned in Islam, but this system is also given in view of the situation. It is not permissible to marry more than just by citing Islam for your 'Tansukh'.
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